Nestled in Brewerytown, Café Don Pedro takes a different approach to coffee. The business opened in January 2024 and roasts fine coffees from co-ops in Latin America.
“I founded the company to disrupt the status quo in the coffee roasting industry by bringing more Latinos into the middle of the coffee chain,” founder Pedro Rodriguez said. Café Don Pedro provides “excellent coffee from farmers that are paid sustainable prices while encouraging sustainable agricultural practices.”
This emphasis on ethical sourcing means building relationships with the growers. “We know our suppliers. We’ve met most of them,” Pedro emphasized.
As Café Don Pedro approaches one year in operation, Brewerytown has been a welcoming home. “The residents are just the nicest people you can find, supportive of our efforts while demanding quality.”
Read more about Café Don Pedro in an Inquirer feature from earlier this year and stop by for some beans any day of the week at 1521 N 31st St. Pedro recommends grabbing some hand roasted coffee from the central mountains of the Dominican Republic.