For the remainder of the year, we're highlighting the many wonderful businesses that line the Girard Avenue Corridor. As the avenue undergoes construction to repair the trolley tracks, don't forget to patronize these businesses. They are open and ready to serve our community. Today we're featuring Sky's Place, an all new restaurant located at 2843 West Girard Ave.
Tell us about your founders and the inspiration for opening the business?
My name is Shekia Johnson and me and my 5 year old daughter Skylar Scott are the owners of Sky’s Place. The restaurant is of course named after her. I am a Army Veteran of 11 years and have been deployed overs twice during my time serving. My restaurant was established in a memory of my grandmother Esther Roberts and recipes are inspired by the late Chef Thomas Hunter.

What makes you stand out?
I stand out because I welcome all into my establishment. Kids are able to come and enjoy waiting with their parents for their food. My daughter Skylar is there every day after school and enjoys the company of others.
What current offerings would catch our eye?
In addition to the restaurant, we cater events, too! No job is too big or too small for Sky's Place. For more information, call 267-324-5383.
Why do you love working in the Art Museum District?
I love working in this district because this is where I was born and raised all my life. My family and I still reside in the area and it was just a blessing to be able to start a business in my own neighborhood. Being able to give back to my own people has been great so far.